Mentor :      Bhante Sujiva

Purpose :
1. Guidance on the correct concepts and methods for practicing wisdom meditation.
2. The theory and practice of Buddhism

Eligibility :
1. People who are interested in practicing Buddhism and above 15 years old
2. Those who are physically and mentally healthy and have no bad habits (do not eat after lunch during meditation)

Course Duration :
1st December (Friday)  to 7th December (Thursday) 2023

Arrival Registration  :
 30th November 2023 (Thursday) 4.00 - 5.00p.m.

Departure time    :
December 2023 (Thursday) 12.00p.m.

Registration Fee :   RM 200

Participants Quota 50 participants. Registration fee will not be refunded for withdrawal after the course registration has been accepted by the PBA Secretariat.

Registration Period :  From now until 24th November 2023 or until the quota is full.

Location      :  Pahang Buddhist Association

Clothing     Wear simple and loose clothing for the convenience of meditation. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry (please bring your own personal items).

Note : Participants are encouraged to bring their own bedsheets, pillowcases, and cotton blankets to conserve resources and protect the environment.

导师 :Bhante Sujiva 慈济瓦禅师

简介 :
* 马来西亚华裔,1975年大学毕业后出家,为上座部比丘
* 专修四念处智慧禅,曾向中、马、泰、缅多位禅师参学
* 1982年起,即在哥打丁宜山林中的禅乐禅修苑教智慧禅
* 旅居欧洲十余年,在澳洲、纽西兰、瑞士、德国、捷克等地弘法教禅

宗旨 :

参加资格 :

课程时间  :2023年12月1日 至7日

报到时间  :2023年11月30日 (星期四)  4:00p.m.-5:00p.m.

离营时间  :
2023年12月7日 (星期四)12:00p.m.


报名费:RM 200

录取名额 :  50位,录取后退出者,恕不退还报名费

截止日期 : 

穿著 : 
衣著朴素、宽松以方便静坐,勿携带贵重首饰 (请自备日常用品)

: 参加者请自备
a) 床单、枕头套、棉被为佳,以达至节省资源环保为要。


报名:智慧禅修营 Vipassana Retreat

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